Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Phew. I'm back. I was in a funk for a few days after the wedding of my oldest daughter. Add hot flashes, night sweats and the roller coaster of emotions which accompany menopause and I have had a difficult time - tears, feelings of 'poor me', wondering what lies ahead...the list goes on. I even stayed in bed for two days straight - which I NEVER do. My poor husband. He should have just called a few of my girlfriends to come over to slap me out of the sorry state I was in but he patiently waited for me to return back to my 'normal' state. He deserves a medal.

So now that I am back from my unpleasant trip to Funkytown I have decided to finish a few of the unfinished projects in my life. The list is quite long but I am not worried. I have time. Another decision I have made is to post less often on my blog. I enjoy blogging but I can easily become obsessed and compulsive about posting. Time seems to fly by when I sit down to enter the blogosphere and then at the end of the day I realize I have not accomplished any of my 'real-life' projects. So I am going to take a break from writing on my blog for now. The good news is I will still float around from time to time to visit the many wonderful people I have met in blogland. I will be sure to leave a comment when I am in the area! Take care.


Willow said...

I hope you'll post once in a while so we can keep up with your activities. You could use the blog to keep track of your progress on your projects. Whatever you decide, I hope you'll stop by to 'see' me occasionally. Blessings to you!

Akelamalu said...

Nice to see you back, only to say goodbye again. Don't stay away too long will you? :(

pink dogwood said...

You shouldn't feel obligated to post something on a regular basis. But whenever something happens and you feel like sharing it with a friend, I hope you do write about it.

Have fun :)

BR said...

Just post when you feel like it.For example, when you make good progress in your real-life projects.Share them with us!

If you see posting as a responsibility, you'll find blogging less fun.

Anything that is a job is less fun. A least I think so.

Louise said...

I totally understand, but I hope you post once in a while. But then again, it has to be what works for you.

Willow said...

Yes, I'm still up for the knitting lessons--after the holidays :)

Daryl said...

Dont stay away too long, I will miss you


Kahshe Cottager said...

I know the feelings ... I get them too! Blog when you can and enjoy catching up on your projects!

Sandi McBride said...

Poor baby, have a large chocolate bar, a cup of hot cocoa and top it off with a hug slab of chocolate cake...there now, feel better? Turn on the fan, lie in bed, feet up...grab that book...be ready to fling it at anyone who walks through the door. That's how I got through it...

Andrea with the Flipflops said...

May God be in each real life item you tackle!

And you did well pulling out of the funk so quick... I have not even hit "metalpause" as we call it and well I was down for 2 weeks and did about 2 days in bed.

I will be here when you come back!

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb, I so understand about the blogging issue. I try to limit my time to about one hour when I get home from work. Except on Pink Saturday. ;-)

I've tagged you with a book tag. Please stop by my blog to pick it up if you are interested. I completely understand if you want to back away from this one.

Take care of yourself, and I will keep you in my prayers.

Mean Mom said...

I don't blame you. I know just what you mean. I swore that I would never let myself become compulsive, but I'm drifting into it. It's hard to be disciplined, sometimes.

OK, I'm signing out. I'll be back, though. Hope you will, too.

Marg said...

How touching. I just read through your Deflated Post....I could hear myself so many times. My first massage, I cried and cried....Similiar to your experience.
I just watched my baby walk up the long aisle receiving her Masters of Occupational Degree. I couldn't contain myself....I will be writing about the experience shortly.
Take some time for yourself, and keep in touch with us.
Like someone said, to me, "Don't stop being."

Kahshe Cottager said...

I can relate! I am at that stage of life too! See you when you get back from your break!

Sandi McBride said...

Okay Deb, now I want to just set you to rights about one thing! He does not deserve a medal! Nor does Mac DESERVE A MEDAL !!! No man deserves a medal for merely doing his level best to make sure that the woman he swore to love and protect in sickness (SICKNESS you hearin' me sistah?) and in Health is not disturbed while she attends to the importance of being a woman. That includes pouting, hot flashes, air conditioners set next to the bed for comfort and your own wooly blanket to wrap up in since we all know they're cover hogs, anyway. You deserve to treat yourself to a couple of days in bed and let everyone treat you like the queen of the house you are! So, cheer up! And pick up a good book...let them think you're still in Funkytown when in reality you'll be in BarnesandNoble Heaven!!! Whew...I worked myself up into an intense hot flash...I need to go smack Mac with his non existant medal.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are doing well. I miss you. Take some time to enjoy this wonderful time of year.

Michele said...

Good to "see" you, hope you'll find time to check in occasionally.

big hugs...

imbeingheldhostage said...

I'm worried now. I keep coming back, but you're not here. Are you ok? I just recently did my tw0-days in bed stint, so I really know this place you're describing.
I hope you're ok!

Anonymous said...

I'm still missing you.

Anonymous said...

Just popping in the check on you once again. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

Sandi McBride said...

Just checking in to see if you have recovered enough to post...hurry!!!

The Muse said...

Oh...we are indeed bound for friendship...I am SOOOOO feeling your "suffering" ..... ICE BREAK!

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