Saturday, December 27, 2008

Life is one big puzzle !

She slowly removed the blanket from her head and peeked out cautiously at the world to see how life was looking. It appeared that the shades of gray that had been bombarding her were now replaced by deep reds, lively greens and speckles of silver and gold. The chaos that had overwhelmed her seemed to have been conquered to some degree. Projects which had sat unfinished for years were now complete and it was with a sense of satisfaction that she checked items off her 'to do' list.

  • The 'Easter' basket she had started for her daughter almost ten years ago is now complete - and shipped to her in sunny California.

  • The scrapbook she had started a long time ago was finished and shipped to parents as their Christmas present. The scrap booking process turned out to be an emotional trip with too many tears shed as she went through hundreds of photos, remembering and sometimes trying to forget.

  • The mermaid rug was brought out of the closet and the hooking began. A date has been set for the completion of this 3' X 4' traditional hooked rug ~ the rug will be entered into the Deerfield Fair in September 2009.

  • She watercolored Christmas cards with her husband and son - and sent them off almost on time.

  • She survived the seven days without power when the ice storm of ice storms hit the Northeast. She did do a happy dance when the electricity was turned back on and she is very grateful to be reconnected.

And I am very grateful to also be emotionally reconnected. Thank you to all who checked in with me - it helped. As bizarre as this might sound to some, I miss my blogging friends. I enjoy blogging and I like feeling connected to the bigger picture. There is so much bad news everyday it is reassuring to connect with good people and my blogging 'friends' are very good people. So I am back.

I had to take a break. I had to get my life in order. I had to find the edge pieces to my puzzle. And I did, at least for now. I hope you all had happy holidays and that you were surrounded by friends and family, love and good cheer.

And now as I prepare to hit the 'publish post' button I realize I am a bit apprehensive. It took me a long time to find my blogging friends and I hope that they are still there. I probably have committed some blogging faux pas and I am on some list - and not the 'A' list. But here goes! I look forward to reconnecting with all of you !


BR said...

Don't worry about everything!

Akelamalu said...

I am so pleased to see you back m'dear! xx

Anonymous said...

Welcome back :D

Willow said...

Yes, I checked in with google reader and saw you'd posted and came right over to say Yay! You're back! Sometimes we just need to take a break and it's ok! I look forward to seeing the hooked rug when you're finished!

Marg said...

I am so glad you peeked out of the heavy blanket. I know the feeling of the blanket.
Take time my friend, and never forget about "being".
Continue setting your goals. It's amazing how good it feels to complete them one step at a time.
I'm only too happy that you are on line again.
Blessings to you in the New Year.

pink dogwood said...

Welcome Back - missed you, but patiently waited since I knew you would be back when you were ready.

Hope to see pictures of some of the projects that you completed.


Anonymous said...

p.s. thanks for visiting my blog! I realise now that I am 'new' in that I started reading your blog once you'd already disappeared for a while, but subscribed to the feed eagerly waiting for updates!

I was attracted to it by the wedding news - understanding how the cross-cultural relationship worked was something I was interested in learning more about at the time...and then just kept reading :D

Daryl said...

Oh so good to 'see' you .. and of course we missed you .. I wish I could have come by and slapped you but I am also glad you got it together on your own .. in your own time ..



The Muse said...

HELLO! Well it is a pleasure to meet you! I am so glad that you visited A Divas Hammer...

Did you have a grand holiday? I hope so!

I would love to follow your blog, but can you believe that there is a limit! And I have reached it...(bad blogger)...most assuredly I want to visit you often...You are following me? Ah well great we can keep in touch...Ill update my blog list and add you there!

I so love to read and comment!

Anonymous said...

Girl, I am so glad you came out from under the blanket. But, I'm very happy the time helped you. I missed you, and now you're back. Yea!!!

Best wishes for a joyful holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Elaine Denning said...

Well, you've certainly been busy! Good for you!

Those seven days must have been horrific...especially over Christmas. I'm glad it's all sorted out now.

And it's GREAT to see you back! x

MyMaracas said...

Hello, Deb, it's great to meet you! Thanks for stopping by at mine!

I've been browsing your blog, and it is gorgeous. I love the wedding entries, and I'm glad you've rejoined the online world. I'll be back often.


The Muse said...

ms Deb i stopped by to say "Howdy"! :)

Michele said...

So good to see you back, you were truly missed! xoxoxo

The Muse said...

Ah....a great word ! :) :)
thank you :)

The Muse said...

ps...I have added you to my favs!

Louise said...

I'm still here. I had a crazy, busy couple of months so didn't get here when you published this, but I was so happy to see that you were in my reader. Glad the puzzle is fitting together.

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