Twenty-three years old. I do have a problem with not calling you my baby any longer. I often explain my jelly belly away by saying, 'well, I just had a baby.' I don't think I can use that excuse any longer. Great, now what? "Well, my daughter is pregnant with twins and I am eating for all of them?" That seems much easier than sit-ups.
So my dear son , my wish for you is that you recognize your strengths and use them to the best of your ability. Your strong verbal skills will allow you to communicate your needs and your desires. I have watched you as you listen and reflect on the words of others. Use your ability to communicate to help you both personally and professionally. I love your sense of humor. I will never forget when we watched 'Tommy Boy' together and you laughed so hard ~ I love the sound of your belly laugh. May you always be happy and find reason to belly laugh often.
I love your spirit and determination. My brain is full of so many memories of you playing baseball, soccer and basketball. You always played to win and took each game seriously. When you were five, you played T-ball. The adults never kept score at T-ball games. It was 'just for fun.' After every game you would climb into the backseat and proceed to tell dad and I the score of the game - and all of the other stats. It was never for 'fun' - you have always played to win. Just don't forget to have fun - and don't forget to laugh that deep belly laugh on a regular basis.
And included in your gift box on this wonderful day, your twenty-third birthday, I am presenting you with confidence, respect, positive self-esteem, trust, and oodles and oodles of hugs and kisses! You are an intelligent, compassionate young man. Follow your heart, listen to your gut and make all of your dreams become reality. So, my dear son, celebrate the day and remember that there ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from you...forever and always. xo
What a lovely tribute to your 'baby', may I wish him a Very Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns.
My baby is 32 and I still call him baby! :)
Congratulations on the impending new arrivals - you'll two babies to cuddle again when they arrive.
Aww, Happy Birthday to your baby. I have a baby too...a bit younger than yours....nearly 20. So still in nappies, really! x
How Perfect. Sons are so amazing.
As I was reading your post and your thoughts about a 23 year old, I was reminded of my post when I sent my son to school 25 years ago....
By the way, I love that picture of you.
You look so happy and cheerful.
Way to go and keep us posted about the twins.
Happy Birthday "B"!!! Your post reminds me of the book Love You Forever. "I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Our "baby" may grow but they never stop being our baby. You've done a great job raising this young man! Our baby may age older but remember we are always 29!
Happy Birthday to your baby. ;-)
I have an only child - a son. He is my oldest and my baby.
These sons are wonderful people, aren't they?
Don't worry - someone has to eat to nourish those babies.
Beautiful, beautiful post! He will always be your baby, even if you can't say it aloud. *smile*
Congratulations on raising a wonderful young man, he is one lucky guy to have you for a mom.
Congratulations on the 'birth' day you share with your son! One day when he has his own baby, he will understand that he was always your baby whether you said it out loud or not! Until that day, he knows that he is well-loved for who he is! A lovely post. :)
Happy Birthday!!
I love this post - he will always be your baby. I love the picture of two of you. Wish him all the happiness in the world.
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