Phew. I'm back. I was in a funk for a few days after the wedding of my oldest daughter. Add hot flashes, night sweats and the roller coaster of emotions which accompany menopause and I have had a difficult time - tears, feelings of 'poor me', wondering what lies ahead...the list goes on. I even stayed in bed for two days straight - which I NEVER do. My poor husband. He should have just called a few of my girlfriends to come over to slap me out of the sorry state I was in but he patiently waited for me to return back to my 'normal' state. He deserves a medal.
So now that I am back from my unpleasant trip to Funkytown I have decided to finish a few of the unfinished projects in my life. The list is quite long but I am not worried. I have time. Another decision I have made is to post less often on my blog. I enjoy blogging but I can easily become obsessed and compulsive about posting. Time seems to fly by when I sit down to enter the blogosphere and then at the end of the day I realize I have not accomplished any of my 'real-life' projects. So I am going to take a break from writing on my blog for now. The good news is I will still float around from time to time to visit the many wonderful people I have met in blogland. I will be sure to leave a comment when I am in the area! Take care.